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filme  Melodia Interrompida

  • VHS - Melodia Interrompida
- Clássicos - NDL

Ano: 1955
Tradução: Dublado

Diretor: Curtis Bernhardt - imdb
Ator: Cecil Kellaway - imdb
Ator: Eleanor Parker - imdb
Ator: Glenn Ford - imdb
Ator: Roger Moore - imdb

Melodia Interrompida ( Interrupted Melody).
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1956 - Oscar - Roteiro Original

Marjorie Lawrence (Eleanor Parker) crowds her life with excitement and achievement from the day she leaves her Australian home and goes to Paris to study voice. After a triumphal debut at the Paris Opera she becomes famous overnight, and her debut at the Met in New York establishes her as one of the great singers of her time. With all her dreams come true, tragedy strikes in the form of infantile paralysis and she faces a life of confinement to a wheel chair. Although she reaches the depths of despair, she manages through the love and devotion of her husband, Dr. Tim King (Glenn Ford), she begins to build a new career by singing to servicemen who, like herself, are confined to wheel chairs.


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