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filme  Burn The Floor (Show)

  • DVD - Burn The Floor (Show)
- Dança - Show - NDL

Tradução: Importado

Burn the Floor ( Burn the Floor). NDL
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Filmed at its world premiere and starring 44 of the world's champion ballroom and Latin dancers, Burn the Floor is the dance sensation that has taken the world by storm. An explosive journey through dance, it takes you on a roller coaster ride from the elegance and beauty of its opening waltz through the emotion and heart of "Passionata" to the cool sexy modern beats of the contemporary finale, "Would You Like to Dance with Me?" Burn the Floor is receiving standing ovations and rave reviews worldwide for its excitement, energy, skill, and passion. The show takes ballroom to a new height, creating the dance spectacular of the new millennium.

Duração: 97 minutos.
Ano: 2000.


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